
Everyone can be fooled, played, and be none the wiser, in life-long cons.

Manipulation is more than routine, simplistic ruses, and can be resistant to all manner of remedies. That is, you can point-blank tell someone that they’re being conned, and how, and they can remain oblivious.

Generally, manipulators are known as “sociopaths” or “psychopaths,” but those are merely subsets of all the manipulative types. Plus, more shock, we’re all baited, coerced and trained into being manipulators ourselves!

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Obvious villains can be seen, for example, when we look at the exploiters of “sin,” quick to pounce on others’ perceived shortcomings, like church clergy.

Another subset of manipulators is the subtle ones, like those advertisers who trick you to contribute money by implying that otherwise you’re not a good or caring person (you see a lot of this on infomercials on the old folks’ TV channel).

Then there are the exploiters of personal fears and peccadilloes, like insurance salesmen. “Wouldn’t it be terrible if your house burned down, and you had no way to recoup the loss?” (The insurance scam is pernicious. Insurance should simply be a pot of resources contributed to on a voluntary basis, that people may or may not participate in, depending on their disposition. It should not be a for-profit business, but instead a community-based effort. This would stop insurance from being such a megalithic conglomerate that its bad influence touches everywhere.)

“Society” and “Bad Thoughts”

The idea of “bad” or “sinful” thoughts, is an imposition that makes life so much worse, and is certainly a life-long con. For anyone really interested in self-improvement, learning to dodge that guilt trip is huge.

Everyone has “bad thoughts,” they’re natural. At issue is, of course, how you act on them. And how they act on you. In fact, “bad thoughts” are necessary, as a warning and advisory.

Yes, “bad thoughts” are a resource. But, instead, we’ve been conditioned into considering them to be sins or peccadilloes, something shameful, which makes for a very fertile ground for exploitation. Jimmy Carter, an obvious master in the art of subjugating the riff-raff, like most politicos, said he’d “sinned in his heart” many times.

There is no such thing as “sinning in your heart,” but for controlling and exploiting the masses, the tactic of imposing guilt is very valuable and useful. This is a grooming tactic to exploit the sucker that believes. Vast numbers of people are subject to control via this technique.

There are endless, self-destructive paths you can be set on. For example, you may feel “guilty,” for something you didn’t even do, and contribute to one of these sleazy evangelists that plague society, to “get right with God.” Or turn to drink or drugs, be they illicit or ℞ to, “push away the bad thoughts.”

The fallacy that “thoughts” themselves can somehow be “bad” has been engraved into the public (i.e.: slave) conscience, as though thinking the “bad thought” is the same as the actual realization. Part of life is learning. One thing we need to learn — and most do learn, early on — is that it’s often better that you use discretion in your actions.

Here, as usual, the truth is the opposite of the common knowledge or perception. When you have a “bad thought,” it in fact, is often a positive, where your mind may be trying to tell you something.

A “bad thought” may be something implanted, impressed on the subject in a nefarious scheme. Numerous “bad thoughts” are eagerly distributed like pies in the cow pasture. Advertisers, for example, use the tactic. They don’t spend billions of dollars each year just because they like making TV networks rich.

You’ve probably heard of “subliminal messages,” where symbols or words are embedded in advertising, like the word, “sex,” airbrushed into a model’s hair, or where wee-wees are drawn into ice cubes in liquor ads. (And of course the endless variations: women and wee-wees, men and wee-wees, wee-wees in woo-woos, woo-woos in wee-wees... you get the point.) Plus, they put symbols of death and decay in cigarette ads, which have the perverse effect of increasing, not decreasing, smoking. Subliminals are just one way thoughts are planted.

But what is the necessity of these types of devious, deviant ads?

It’s a play on psychological traits that are never explained to us, in furtherance of deception and exploitation.

Since the purpose of advertising is to make something memorable, to “stick in your mind,” any anomalous things they sneak in there will “subconsciously” register – they demand attention. Certainly anything which implies sexuality, especially perverse sexuality, which gives everyone a charge, will be effective.

So where do your bad thoughts begin and theirs end?

Exploitation is in furtherance of predictable goals. Those with power want to create dissatisfaction, make people horny, hungry, greedy, or to feel inadequate. That’s where the money is. To demoralize us, immoralize us, and so on.

Mind Games

People are oblivious that there are archives with endless years of psychological data gathered by enduring groups with power. This data makes for an extensive library, to further control and manipulate. In other words, you’re always going to be at a disadvantage. Take for instance a recent article warning against, of all things, coffee. For a while, it was “Coffee Good,” now it’s “Coffee Bad!” Which was a cue to grok how easily the masses are guided. Want to reduce coffee shipments, for whatever reason? Have the news blast out “Bad! Bad! Coffee Bad!” You have a bunch of coffee to get rid of? “The Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee!” For the most part, everything is economics, sales and the hustle in day-to-day life.

Life Test

Why not encourage yourself to consider the most outrageous thoughts? Take the time to assess how they make you feel, and why, and the reasons for those feelings. That is another exercise, and talent, to develop in overcoming your “egregious zones.” Egregious zones, as explained previously, are the standout worst characteristics of our behavior: self-defeating, self-destructive, unfounded and illogical.

Well, the “why not,” is apparent: Many people are afraid of acting on those bad thoughts.

But since we must learn to think something through before acting, welcoming “bad thoughts” and working with them is a crucial skill. And a very powerful tool to learn how to think through anything, and to ponder on what gave rise to that specific thought that is seemingly distasteful or “bad.”

It may give clues to a false guilt trip you’re on, or it may give you some insight into the behavior of others. It may reveal manipulation points you carry inside that may be exploited and used against you.

It isn’t always conscious manipulation on the part of others – remember, we’re, mostly unawares, conned into being the manipulators, an effective trick to reinforce the brainwashing they want impressed upon us.

But whatever the source, all that is needed is awareness, then the power of these manipulations over you stops immediately.

Associations and Conditioning

So, don’t get bent out of shape about “bad thoughts.”

Or be suckered by despicable attempts – like by the church – to riddle you with guilt over “thought sins.”

Recall that pleasant things may be associated with something that isn’t actually all that pleasant, due to some past incident, as we see in the phenomenon of masochism. (To dispel one ridiculous misconception, though, masochism is not “getting pleasure from pain,” as the simp pop-psychologists would have it. It means pain causes, perversely, a sexual stimulation, and it’s that which the masochist gets off on.)

This recalls the experiments with Pavlov’s dogs. Recall that Pavlov trained/conditioned dogs to associate a signal, like a bell, with feeding time.

Hence, the natural reactions of the dogs to food: heightened anticipation, salivation, stomach secreting digestive enzymes, etc., were commandeered by the signal of the bell. After the training, when Pavlov rang, the dogs would salivate. This is a natural response, routine preparation to eat the expected food, not something particularly amazing. It’s just that the food didn’t have to be in sight or smell range. (Pavlov could have simplified matters by simply testing if the mutts salivated upon seeing a dog bowl, which they surely would, if they were normally fed with it.)

This research was obviously hijacked, directed into an exploration of how to manipulate humans, and we experience the results, in the form of the perverse experimentation that is conducted on us, the general public, in efforts to modify, drive, or direct our behavior.


Of course, the reaction to those “bad thoughts” may be “bad.”

Like all of these issues, you can’t tackle them until you are aware of them. We are told that we must manage anxiety, fear, hate, dread, and other negative emotions, but clearly that makes no sense. It is what gives rise to these reactions that must be managed. Often, it is the dwelling on or indulging in particular thoughts that is the source of the reactions.

If you think that something is “bad,” that is the recipe for dwelling on unproductive nonsense.

Again, there are no bad thoughts, just opportunities for self-examination and analysis.

What sort of life do you think this is? What sort of life do you want?

Once you look at “bad thoughts” as opportunities, you’re stepping into a new world of achievement.

Like the saying, “Get your head straight.” What does that mean anyway?

It should mean to learn to adapt to life on life’s terms. Mewling and whining over self-imposed issues, like prissy “bad thoughts,” does not lead to a good life, when the real world of impositions and outrages is, by far, what we really need to concern ourselves with.

Thought Isn’t What We Think It Is

We don’t, as a general rule, “reason,” we mostly work within our conditioning and react to our world, while looking to fulfill our goals, all within particular behavior patterns we call “personality.”

The mind doesn’t “speak to us” in English, or other native language, therefore a so-called “bad thought” is almost always the mind communicating something to us. We saw an example of this, previously, in a discussion of the game, chess. We are sometimes oblivious to checking, and developing a counter, for an opponent’s devastating move when playing. This is because we sense something looming and awry, but don’t have the nerve to fully face it, to our detriment.

More Bad Thoughts

Compounding the fact that most can’t deal with their own “bad thoughts,” it has become plain, over years of experience, that the naysayers were correct: We probably should not have television or motion pictures – because we, in fact, cannot deal with TV or movies. They are too “real” for many of us, and the masses tend to believe in the evocative fantasies presented in that fictional world, to their detriment.

Maybe non-fictional presentations could be allowed, but it seems fiction scrambles the human mind. It’s a talent and a skill, like other abilities, to be able to discern fact from fiction, and many, if not most, people, do not possess the ability.

It might be okay, if everyone were benevolent, to have “entertainment,” but we just can’t count on that, as is more than obvious when we turn our attention to the sickos of “Hollyweird.” Alternatively, rather than tearing the place down, we can work on methods to analyze media and determine truth, and blunt the attacks, methods that we’re developing here.

Dirty Little Perv!

In summary, so-called “bad thoughts” are part of our ongoing mental processing.

The mind can’t always communicate with us directly.

A “bad thought” can be mere information, or it may constitute a warning or a notification. It’s really just a form of preparation or an alert to us.

It may be an alert of something previous that you didn’t have time to “process” before.

It may be an alert to something that was “injected” into your mind, as for example may have happened when you saw that “sexy” ad.

We have to wonder how many poor saps have been exploited, bullied, browbeaten and humiliated over time for not knowing these simple facts. On this you can rely, though: there’s always someone stepping in to exploit our egregious zones, often those who know intuitively there are no “bad thoughts,” or, relish them.


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